Delegate: Sherby Joseph
Country: Benin
Committee: Social, Cultural and Humanitarian
School: High school of International Business and Finance
Topic: Capital Punishment

“One of the uses of our system of justice is to warn others… we are reforming not the hanged individual, but everyone else.” Michel de Montaigue , Capital Punishment is an issue where the people of a country are having their rights violated. The countries with capital punishment are usually smaller countries that have no there way of punishing a person for the crimes they commit.

The Republic of Benin is a country where capital punishment has been legal since 1987. We believe capital punishment is reasonable way of charging a person. Not have capital punishment could raise the rate of crime in our country. Being part of the a big country like Africa where people are being killed almost everyday using capital punishment on rebel group are a good way letting other groups no Benin does not accept “Trouble makers”.

In Benin capital punishment is and will continue to be legal , we only use punishment of this type when a citizen of our crime commits a dangerous crime. Our forms of punishment are harsh, but they show other that no crime will go unpunished. Capital punishment is one of the best ways to solve the issue of crime.

The republic of Benin has no problem will capital punishment in fact the has no been and execution since 1987. We let are people understand and know that there will be no hesitation to use capital punishment on high crime. The citizens of Benin know the no one exception of these . Capital punishment is a great way of keep crime off the street of Benin.

Benin has already expressed publicly that we will not be abolishing capital punishment anytime soon. We understand that the UN feel that capital is very harsh, but in our country it is needed. Benin are a country within Africa and in these times there are many rebel group who feel should get capital punishment for the crimes they have done.

The republic of Benin would like the UN to keep in mind that there are still country who are struggling and need a way to keep the people of their country in check. It is not wrong to punishment the actions of other who are trying to endanger the innocent people around them. We have slow down the rate of executions, but to abolish capital punishment completely is something our country is not ready to do.


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