Wal-Mart the multimillion dollar megastore full of everything an person could need, especially with its promise of low prices Wal-Mart is the most economically wealthy store during this recession in the U.S. Wal-Mart is said to be an all-round beneficial company for families, the economy and stockholders, but is Wal-Mart truly something that is healthy our cities or towns. Can Wal-Mart truly be good for America, on the outside Wal-Mart seems like a good choice mean what could be wrong they have everything inside Wal-Mart from fast-food to hardware. But the question is whether or not Wal-Mart is good for consumers, employees and the completion.
In the world of consumer hood people are always look for the lowest prices in whatever they buy. So because of the consumers wanting products to be cheaper companies try to lower their prices as much as they can without harming the amount of profit they are hope to make from consumers. Wal-Mart is knew for have very low price and because of how cheap the sell the produces in their store people continue to go and buy from Wal-Mart. But how does Wal-Mart keep up with all the needs of every consumer, how do continue to stay open with such low prices? One way is that not everything in Wal-Mart is cheap for one another reason is the bar codes of every produce sold in Wal-Mart. Now when you walk into the hair care section of Wal-Mart and the first the you see is and flat iron for like 20 dollars, but it not the brand you wanted so you in through every flat iron in that section until you find the one you’re looking for. Your at the counter now paying, if you notice the iron you have now cost maybe 25 dollar not so bad, but don’t forget tax and a little extra that Wal-Mart adds making that flat iron well over 30 dollar, low right. One thing Wal-Mart does that is good for a consumer is how they keep up with what people but the most. They scan over the bar codes of every item in the store that way they are able to see what sold they most that day and how much of it left do they have in stock. For a consumer Wal-Mart is amazing because it has everything you need in one, but whatever happened to the stores that you use to go to?
Do you ever notice the stores you would go to all the time are starting to shut down, what about when you’re driving to the new Wal-Mart that just opened a couple miles away, do you notice as you drive there the graveyard of close mommy and pappy stores? Because Wal-Mart basically has everything it destroys all the competition around it. There a reason why Wal-Mart is doing so well in this time of recession in America, they have no real companies to fight against them because all forms of competition have shut down. It’s hard to be a small business and fight against a huge store like Wal-Mart; some companies give up and trade with Wal-Mart. For example the company Rubbermaiden decided to sell their products to Wal-Mart, but when Rubbermaiden want to sell their produces for a higher price Wal-Mart would buy it. In the end Rubbermaiden shut down and their rubber machine was sold to factories that sell their produce to Wal-Mart, but for a cheaper price. This does happen to every company that decides to sell to Wal-Mart, in fact for some store it every beneficial and profitable. The sad part is that Wal-Mart is look to others cheaply, I mean think about the employee that work under Wal-Mart, how are the treated by Wal-Mart.
Most people assume that because Wal-Mart is doing so well that employee get paid very well, but in fact employees get paid less than minimum wage. The employees of Mal-Mart the people who help you search for items you can’t find, the people who greet you at the door, the people who carry the boxes and boxes of item the you the people ask for get paid less than your daughter that works at the records store. To make it even worst they have no benefit, thing like insurance they don’t have it. Why is it that Wal-Mart is not paying their employees fair, they make enough money to pay at least minimum wage. Now Wal-Mart does only have American employee but they have Wal-Marts in china, most people remember china because cheap labor. The Wal-Marts in China pay their employee less than the employees in American, the only different with this situation is that even though they get paid less the money they make can be the difference between stare and eating a weekly meal.
Is Wal-Mart good for American, well in my opinion I find Wal-Mart to be a good store to have, but they just too sneaky. Why do you have to tick people with low price consumer will come if you just sell the item fairy. Also Wal-Mart danger rules of competition if Wal-Mart has everything it not only kind of makes people lazy, it stops small business that help make a healthy economy. One really good thing about Wal-Mart is that they give jobs they people need during a recession like this.

Committee: Non- Governmental Organization
Delegate: Sherby Joseph, International Business and Finance

“Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country”- Karl Kraus
Corruption is a huge and dangerous international issue that should be addressed throughout the world. Countries with corrupt government go through the most problems with poverty and crime. If we all just turn our heads away and act as if it is not a major concern, then the abuser can continue to hurt the lives of many innocent individuals.

Transparency International is a non-governmental organization that was created to fight against all forms of corruption. We believe that making the problem of corruption known internationally can and will help to stop corruption for good. Transparency Inter- national has helped a large number of countries trapped within the mist of corruption. We have many worldwide chapters in locations like Africa, the Middle East, the Americas and other global areas. These chapters are to give aid to the people of these countries if they are in need of financial help or have recently been through natural disasters.

Transparency International has accomplished a goal of placing corruption on all global agendas. Presidents all over are now writing about what they want done about corruption, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund make corruption the single most important discussed topic. We have also been apart of drafting two major international agreements that give governments the ability help reduce corruption borders of their countries. New standard have been create in countries to stop corruption in public life. We are putting are best effort in forming reducing tolerance for behaviors that ruins lives.

Transparency International is now working on what we call Strategic Framework, this plan will help provide a base for the Transparency International secretariat and national chapters to develop and execute their specific anti-corruption programs. We are also currently working on improving the education rate in Africa, with the Education Watch Programs. These programs have been implemented in Morocco, Senegal, Niger, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Uganda. Creating ways for corruption to be seen with countries is vital in the fight to international prosperity.

Transparency International requests that all countries join together in the struggle to end corruption. We strongly support the adding of our chapters within all countries, with your help and our assistants corruption can be drained out of the world. Reform laws to keep corrupt officials out of office and proving education within all countries will not only inform people of corruption, but add more people into the fight to stop it.

Transparency International believes that there is a beautiful future ahead with the destruction of corruption. People do not have to worry about being taken advantage of by their governments; countries affected by natural disasters don’t have to wait to be taken care of because the world will have finally taken the time and money to end corruption for good.

I have been in MUN for 2 year when it had first started as an afterschool club, to when it became a class. In my experiences from going to about five different conferences in the past two year I have learned that having a strong connection with others is what creates a team. In the first conference I attended my best friend who was my partner could not attend because she was busy with school, her job and studying for her SATs in a couple of months. Knowing that she couldn’t go I got upset not because she let me down, but because I didn’t really have a close relationship with anyone in the club at the time. That experience taught me that it doesn’t matter if your partner is here or not because you could end up have someone who is the complete opposite of you, all the at matters is that the relationship you have a close relationship with your whole team, so even when your partner is MIA you can always find someone to fill in that place and help you.
The second important I important thing I learned from MUN is always ask for help when you know you in need. During my conference in Harvard, my partner and felt overwhelmed because the kids there were so much more experienced in MUN. The sad part was that when the committee was deciding which topic to choose from my partner’s topic was the one that had been chosen. I wish that before could read up on his topic, but I was to busy preparing my own that I almost had not idea what my countries position was on the topic he had. Through the whole conference I constantly let my partner know that if he needs any help I would do whatever I could to help especially since this was his very first conference. After what happened in Harvard I realized that my partner and have different topic, but if we don’t study up on both together there would be no way that any of you could help each other.
Through all the conferences I have attended I learned on thing that will forever leave unrecoverable mark in my life. I am an extremely shy person, when I was an NGO in the PhiliMUN conference I realized that I feel better and more confident in myself when I’m working behind the scenes. I have like inside heart attacks and my body shakes uncontrollable, at first I thought it was because I wasn’t use to, but after awhile it dawned on that public speaking is the last thing I should ever due especial in conference where I have to play a representative of an NGO.
MUN has helped me to understand myself and for that I will always cherish ever little memories I gain for this class. Thank you to ever person I ever worked with because I know that in the beginning it ever started out easy. Thank you to everyone.

Hello, my name is Sherby Joseph and this is my blog about my Model UN adventures. In my life I never dreamed of being apart of something so important and educational. This class started out as just a club thing I would do afterschool, but became such a big part of my growing into adulthood. I wasn’t the type of student who would be into world affairs. In fact I hated politics and I still do now, but because of MUN I’m aware of issues in the global community. Joining MUN is one of the best choices I have made throughout my high school experience and I would recommend it to any student the likes to debate and solve global issue.

M.U.N!!!!!!!! : )

I believe that at the conference I will gain more information on different Global issues. Being in Model UN and going to different conferences has opened my mind about the world around me. Also because of how much knowledge I gained about Global problem I was able to use it on my regent and pass with a very high score. The conferences are a big help for me in school my teacher has always said that going to the conferences put you head because you not only do so much research, but you get to form your on solution to the problem. These conferences have helped my grades a lot in school.

The first couple of times I went to a conference I as not to sure about my social skills and debating skills. When I’m in a big crowd I get shy, but from participating in other conferences have opened up and I changed in the ay I response to others. My confidants has grown and I know that if I go to this conference at Harvard I will argue with all my heart and debate until my mouth gets sore. I can promise that I will bring my to game to the conference.

Climate change has had many negative effects on the world, recently in the continent of Africa there have been series droughts that have left African people to fight and kill to find resource to feed their families. In the republic of Sudan climate change has created a horrible civil war between the people of Darfur and the Muslims of Sudan. Our world resources are becoming scarce with each passing day, beautiful green lands are turning into dried up desserts, many countries that are surrounded by water will some to swallow up by the sea due to rising sea levels. Within Sudan we have been implementing the National Adaptation Plan of Action which will help the people of Sudan to not only adapt but change the way they use resources to a more eco-friendly way. Adding more programs that educate, also help countries deal with climate change, but these programs should also show they country new way to appreciate the limited amount of resource they have. The republic of Sudan feels that if nothing is done now, in the very near future all countries of the wonderful world will no longer exist.

Delegate: Sherby Joseph
Country: Benin
Committee: Social, Cultural and Humanitarian
School: High school of International Business and Finance
Topic: Capital Punishment

“One of the uses of our system of justice is to warn others… we are reforming not the hanged individual, but everyone else.” Michel de Montaigue , Capital Punishment is an issue where the people of a country are having their rights violated. The countries with capital punishment are usually smaller countries that have no there way of punishing a person for the crimes they commit.

The Republic of Benin is a country where capital punishment has been legal since 1987. We believe capital punishment is reasonable way of charging a person. Not have capital punishment could raise the rate of crime in our country. Being part of the a big country like Africa where people are being killed almost everyday using capital punishment on rebel group are a good way letting other groups no Benin does not accept “Trouble makers”.

In Benin capital punishment is and will continue to be legal , we only use punishment of this type when a citizen of our crime commits a dangerous crime. Our forms of punishment are harsh, but they show other that no crime will go unpunished. Capital punishment is one of the best ways to solve the issue of crime.

The republic of Benin has no problem will capital punishment in fact the has no been and execution since 1987. We let are people understand and know that there will be no hesitation to use capital punishment on high crime. The citizens of Benin know the no one exception of these . Capital punishment is a great way of keep crime off the street of Benin.

Benin has already expressed publicly that we will not be abolishing capital punishment anytime soon. We understand that the UN feel that capital is very harsh, but in our country it is needed. Benin are a country within Africa and in these times there are many rebel group who feel should get capital punishment for the crimes they have done.

The republic of Benin would like the UN to keep in mind that there are still country who are struggling and need a way to keep the people of their country in check. It is not wrong to punishment the actions of other who are trying to endanger the innocent people around them. We have slow down the rate of executions, but to abolish capital punishment completely is something our country is not ready to do.